AroAce Positivity Bot's Carrd

Info about the page and both the aro and ace spectrums

The Aromantic Spectrum

The aromantic spectrum refers to and describes those who do not or cannot feel romantic attraction, in one way or another. As the term implies, the amount of romantic attraction those on the aro-spec feel is a spectrum. Some can feel little to no attraction while some may feel near-full attraction. Despite this, it does not mean that aromantic people cannot be in or participate in relationships, romantic or not.Being aromantic is not the same as being asexual, as such, aromantic-spec people can feel sexual attraction. Those who do can be referred to as allo aros or allosexual aromantics and those who don't can be referred to as aroaces or aromantic asexuals but whether someone wants to be called these or not is entirely up to themThere are many labels used to describe different parts of the spectrum but if I were to list them all we would be here forever. I will list a couple of the more commonly used ones but that does not mean that ones not mentioned here are not valid. any and every label and microlabel are valid and real. Just because something may seem silly or unnecessary to you doesn’t mean that it cant mean a lot to someone else.

  • Aromantic- This is the most commonly known identity on the spectrum. It is defined by the complete lack of romantic attraction and/or romantic love towards others. Aromantics can feel other types of love and can be kind and caring, despite misconceptions and stereotypes.

  • Abromantic/Abroromantic- Those whose romantic attraction is changing or fluid. It can be changes between any romantic identity, such as monoromantic, multiromantic, alloromantic or aromantic spectrum identities. The gender(s) one is attracted to may change, and the intensity of the attractions may change.

  • Aroflux- Those who identify with this have a fluctuating romantic orientation that will usually stay on the aro-spec. One day an aroflux person may have absolutely no romantic attraction and other days their attraction may be more akin to demiromantic or greyromantic.

  • Demiromantic- Definded as someone who doesn’t and/or cannot feel romantic attraction towards someone unless they have formed a deep and emotional bond with that person: this bond may be sexual, platonic or another form. Despite this, it does not mean that demiromantic people will always feel romantic attraction to those they are close with, it just means the attraction becomes possible.

  • Frayromantic- Often described as “the opposite to demiromantic”, frayromanticism is defined as when a person only feels romantic attraction to those they are not close to, and will lose attraction the closer they get to the person.

  • Greyromantic/Greyoromantic- A term used for those who relate with aromanticism but feel that there are parts of their experience that aren't fully described by the word aromantic. It can be used as a standalone term or identity or can be used as an umbrella term for those on the aro-spectrum who are not aromantic.

  • Lithromantic/Akoiromantic- Someone who is lithromantic may experience romantic attraction but does not want it reciprocated. One may be uncomfortable at the thought of someone being romantically attracted to them, they may lose their romantic feelings if they learn it's reciprocated or they might be extremely hurt or upset if they find that someone is romantically attracted to them.

  • Platoniromantic- Is described as the feeling of not being able to distinguish between platonic and romantic feelings. It can combined with other romantic orientations or can be a stand alone identity.

  • Nebularomantic- Much like platoniromantic, those who are nebularomantic are unable to distinguish the difference between romantic and platonic attraction. But in the case of nebularomantic people, that is due to one's status as neurodivergent.

  • Recipromantic- An orientation in which one does not feel any romantic attraction to others unless they know that the other person likes them first. Can be combined with other romantic identities or be used by itself.

Mostly all of the aromantic-spectrum identities/orientations can be combined with sexual orientations and some can be combined with other non aro-spec romantic orientations. These are referred to as SAM or Split Attraction Model. SAM is when a person’s romantic and sexual orientations do not align/are not the same. While this mostly occurs in aro/ace people, allos can experience SAM as well.

There are many misconceptions around the aromantic identity and the microlabels within the community. I implore you to do your own research and to not blindly listen to just any old person. The label may seem unnecessary or weird, but I assure you that if it exists then at least one person does or use to identify with it, and that is enough. Most microlabels are made to help, not to hurt. Please try and understand others.

The Account, The Owner & BYF

I will not tolerate any sort of hate or invalidation of any aro-spec or ace-spec identity. I do not care how much you disagree with it or whatever, you are being hateful and it will not be allowed on my page. Hateful comments will be deleted and you will be warned. If you do it again you will be blocked. Any alternate accounts will be blocked


  • I’m around 19-24 years old

  • I am cupio, procul and ficto romantic

  • I’m a man, I use it/its pronouns

  • I go by Richie or Michael

Account & Bot


As I stated earlier, aroace hate will not be tolerated but this goes for other forms of bigotry. Don’t be a cunt.

  • DNI if you are into/support irl incest, pedophilia, beastiality & necrophilia

  • AroAce Exclusionists & TERFs will be blocked

  • NSFW accounts are alright to follow, just please don’t do any horny/weird shit in the comments. This even goes for SFW accounts

  • Must be 13+ to follow (twitter guidelines)

  • Bigots, xenophobes, zionists fuck off

  • I may swear so if you uncomfortable with that just leave

The Asexual Spectrum

The asexual spectrum, in some ways, can be seen as the opposite of the aromantic spectrum as it refers to and describes those who do not or cannot feel sexual attraction, in one way or another. The amount of sexual attraction those on the ace-spec feel is a vast spectrum. Some can feel little to no attraction while some may feel near-full attraction. Despite the name, asexual and ace-spec people can have sex, become horny or even enjoy sex. Being ace-spec =/= being sex replused.Being asexual is not the same as being aromantic, as such, asexual-spec people can feel romantic attraction. Those who do can be referred to as allo aces or alloromantic asexuals and those who don't can be referred to as aroaces or aromantic asexuals but whether someone wants to be called these or not is entirely up to them.There are many labels used to describe different parts of the spectrum but if I were to list them all we would be here forever. I will list a couple of the more commonly used ones but that does not mean that ones not mentioned here are not valid. any and every label and microlabel are valid and real. Just because something may seem silly or unnecessary to you doesn’t mean that it cant mean a lot to someone else.

  • Asexual- The most well known of the ace-spec identities, asexual can be defined by one's lack of sexual attraction in any form. It is not a form of celibacy or abstinence and is not simply "not wanting to have sex".

  • Abrosexual- This refers to an individual whose sexuality is changing or fluid. One can change between any sexualities, whether is be monosexual, multisexual, allosexual or asexual spectrum, etc. The genders an abrosexual person is attracted to can change as well along with the intensity of said attraction.

  • Aceflux- Those who identity with aceflux have a fluctuating sexual orientation. Unlike abrosexual it will usually stay on the ace-spectrum. An example may be that an aceflux person feels no sexual attraction one day and other day their attraction may feel closer to Lithosexual or Greyasexual.

  • Demisexual- Definded as someone who doesn’t and/or cannot feel sexual attraction towards someone unless they have formed a deep and emotional bond with that person: this bond may be romantic, platonic or another form. Demisexual is not "wanting to get to know someone", it is instead the inability to feel any sexual attraction to those that they are not closely connected with.

  • Fraysexual- Often described as “the opposite to demisexual”, fraysexuality is defined as when a person only feels sexual attraction to those they are not close to, and will lose attraction the closer they get to the person.

  • Greysexual/Greyasexual- This refers to those who relate with asexuality but feel that there are parts of their experience that aren't fully described by the word asexual. It can be used as a standalone term or identity or can be used as an umbrella term for those on the ace-spectrum who are not asexual.

  • Lithosexual/Akoisexual- Someone who is lithosexual may experience sexual attraction but does not want it reciprocated. The lithosexual person may be uncomfortable at the thought of someone being sexually attracted to them, or they may lose their sexual feelings if they learn it's reciprocated. Some lithosexual people may become extremely hurt or upset after finding out someone is sexually attracted to them but this is not always the case.

  • Reciprosexual- Someone who is reciprosexual will not feel any sexual attraction to a person unless they know the person is sexually attracted to them first.

Mostly all of the asexual-spectrum identities/orientations can be combined with romantic orientations and some can be combined with other non ace-spec sexual orientations. These are referred to as SAM or Split Attraction Model. SAM is when a person’s sexual and romantic orientations do not align/are not the same. While this mostly occurs in aro/ace people, allos can experience SAM as well.

There are many misconceptions around the asexual identity and the microlabels within the community. I implore you to do your own research and to not blindly listen to just any old person. The label may seem unnecessary or weird, but I assure you that if it exists then at least one person does or use to identify with it, and that is enough. Most microlabels are made to help, not to hurt. Please try and understand others.


Requests can be sent in via DMs or CuriousCat. Please make sure you give specifications when needed.List of things I can do!

  • Validation Tweets- If you want a specific aro/ace-spec identity validation tweet I will be more than happy to make it! Microlabels are always welcome.

  • Pronoun and Name support- If you are trying to figure out pronouns/a name or are trying new ones out I can make small paragraphs using the name or pronouns of your choice. Can either post it or send via DM

  • Icons- I am more than happy to make icons. If you want a character one, please specify the character and the source. Also please tell me what flags you want, and what style (the flag as the background, the flag as a border or both). You can request up to three flags for one icon. Multiple icons can be requested at once. Custom flags can be sent in via DMs.

  • Bot additions- While I have quite a lot of labels, identities, pronouns and genders in my bot I do not have every one. If you want a specific aro/ace-spec identity, non aro/ace-spec orientation, gender or pronoun to be added to the bot just ask. If its already in the bot I'll tell you and I can make a Validation tweet if you desire.

  • Neopronoun finder- I have access to a vast list of neopronouns, if you are trying to find some new ones or are just interested then I'll be more than happy to give you some. It can be completely random for you can give me a theme for them (ex, pokemon, colours, aesthetics and more).

Please remember that I am only a person and be patient. Thank you <3